About Me



Job Title

Dio Ilham, Front-end Developer of Software Engineer at Autopedia

Long, 3rd Person

Dio Ilham is the Front-end Developer of Software Engineer at Autopedia, currently working on Caroline.id, where he helps team to implement designs from Adobe XD to the actual website that user can use. He collaborate with other engineer to develop blazingly fast website and research the best technology to implement.

His main focus is Developer Experience (DX), how the team collaborate on each other and how can tools like prettier, eslint, husky, typescript, etc. can help the team to move faster.

He is such a dreamer, learner, and wizard, Dio want to help people (not specific on tech) as much as he can.

Long, 1st Person

Hi, Dio is here. 🙌

Im' a (kinda) Fullstack Developer, now working as Front-end Developer of Software Engineer at Autopedia, currently working on their project called Caroline.id. I collaborate with my team to implement the best feature for our users, with focus on implement designs from Adobe XD to the actual website that our users can use. We want to deliver the blazingly fast website. Also, we research the current best technology to solve all our users (also our) problems.

A dreamer, learner, and wizard, Dio want to help people (not specific on tech) as much as he can.

Short, 3rd Person

Dio Ilham is Front-end Developer at Autopedia, currently working on their automotive marketplace project called Caroline.id.

Short, 1st Person

Hi, Dio is here. 🙌

I'm a Front-end Developer at Autopedia, currently working on their automotive marketplace project called Caroline.id.


Dio Ilham graduated from Indonesian Computer University with a B.CS. in Informatics Engineering.


Dio Ilham headshotDio Ilham headshot black and white